Best Practices for Exporting an AR-Ready Model from 3ds Max

Exporting a 3D model for Augmented Reality (AR) requires optimizing the model for performance, ensuring compatibility with AR platforms, and using the correct export settings. This guide will help you prepare an optimized .GLB model using 3ds Max.

Step 1: Preparing the Model

  1. Optimize High-Poly Meshes:
  2. Check and Fix Normals:
  3. Clean the Model:

Step 2: Setting Up PBR Materials

Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) materials ensure that your model looks realistic in various lighting conditions, which is essential for AR applications.

  1. Use PBR-Compatible Materials:
  2. Material Setup:
  3. Texture Resolution: Keep texture resolutions optimized for performance. Generally, 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 are sufficient for AR use.
  4. Check UV Mapping:

Step 3: Setting Up for Export

Before exporting, ensure your model and scene are correctly set up:

  1. Scale: Set the correct scale of your model. AR platforms typically use meters, so adjust your model to real-world dimensions using the “System Unit Setup” in 3ds Max.
  2. Pivot Point: Place the pivot point at the base of the model for proper placement in AR environments.
  3. Freeze Transformations: Freeze transforms to reset scale, rotation, and position values to default.

Step 4: Export Settings for GLB Format

Exporting to GLB ensures that the model, textures, and animations (if any) are packaged into a single file.